The Holy (Anhui Shen Sheng Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.) Group is one hundred percent family-owned. This situation has always determined our corporate culture and will continue to provide a firm foundation for our success.
As a family-owned company, we aim for a high degree of freedom in all our decisions and actions. The basis for this is the financial independence achieved by sound business methods and retention of profits within the Group.
The Group’s policy of extensive diversification helps to make us independent of economic fluctuations in individual business sectors or markets. Another element in this autonomy is our mastery of core technologies in every detail.
We Are a Trustworthy Partner
We strive for close cooperation with our customers and business associates, based on loyalty and fair play. Rather than being content with short-lived success, we aim for a long-term relationship.
We supply products and services that create genuine added value and user benefit. Our policy is to be satisfied with our work only when the customer or business associate is satisfied.
Holy Group stands for continuous innovation and successful ideas management on a large scale. What we have already achieved serves as a basis for improvements in every area of the Group’s activities.
We encourage our workforce to think creatively and are prepared to tackle even the most difficult technological challenges. Our decentralised corporate structure puts us in a position to react flexibly to competition in global market areas and to transform ideas rapidly into effective results.
Our aim is to achieve technological progress in the best interests of our customers. Every year we invest considerable sums in research and development, to put us in a position to explore new paths and set new trends.
We are fortunate to be able to rely on capable, highly motivated employees who remain loyal to us for many years and devote themselves enthusiastically to the Group’s interests.
To promote this situation, we create suitable overall conditions: secure jobs and a healthy working environment. The absence of unnecessary managerial levels encourages our staff to take on responsible tasks with ample freedom of action. We promote entrepreneurial initiative and offer our employees various basic and advanced training programmes.
Holy Group stands for diversity in the cultural area as well. The Group draws strength from close teamwork across national borders. Cooperation within our Group is founded on integrity, mutual respect, fairness and trust.
“We devote all our efforts to best performance.”
Our products and services must always measure up to the standards associated with the Holy Group name, and to which we give top priority: the best possible quality and effective support for our customers´ business activities. To ensure that our products are manufactured to this high quality standard, we invest unceasingly in the modernisation of our production facilities.
We promote awareness of quality – and insist on it both in our own work and the work we commission from our business associates.
As a family-owned company active throughout the world, we carry considerable responsibility for society and the environment. We are convinced that we shall only achieve long-term success if we remain aware of this responsibility in all our activities. Protection of humanity and the environment is of special importance in our business activities.
It means that our products and the processes used to manufacture them must be safe, efficient and environmentally acceptable.
Integrity has high status for us as a family-owned company. We undertake to apply fair business methods when competing on world markets.